Журналисты GeorgiaTimes обнаружили среди аудиозаписей телефонных переговоров известных грузинских политиков и бизнесменов, которые уже стали причиной предвыборного скандала в Грузии, запись разговора бизнесмена Кобы Накопии с бывшим председателем парламентского комитета Грузии по безопасности и обороне Гиви Таргамадзе, в котором упоминается лидер "Левого фронта" Сергей Удальцов.

В беседе Накопия и Таргамадзе обсуждают прошедший (вероятно, 5 марта 2012 года) митинг на Пушкинской площади Москвы, кроме того упоминается подготовка к акции оппозиции 6 мая.

"Безусловно, это не означает, что Гиви Таргамадзе финансировал Сергея Удальцова и "Левый Фронт", однако факт остается фактом: опубликованные в ходе грузинской "войны компроматов" записи показывают, что между Гиви Таргамадзе и Сергеем Удальцовым либо существовала непосредственная связь, либо она осуществлялась через кого-то из представителей "Левого Фронта", - отмечают в GeorgiaTimes.

Приводим подстрочный перевод на английский язык, размещенный на странице Youtube авторами записи:

Nakopia: What is going on out there? I'm not sure, do you know Edick Tedeyan or not? I talked to him too.

Targamadze: No. I called him about the time of that short work so I think it was all over since Udaltsov had already been arrested.

Nakopia: Do you know what is happening right now? How much people were there?

Targamadze: There was a rally. Some 20 to 25 thousand people. It was a bit messy but Seryoga did it all right. He said that he privately didn't want to consider that there was no election. On the 7th the swearing-in ceremony is taking place so on the 1st of May they will hold a rally with as few people as possible. Now they are about to start working on it. As for Pushkinskaya, he also added that they should let know that they will walk into the square every few days if not every day. When the rally was over, some 10 people followed him and then stood on his way. They stood on his way and did not let him go and all of them were colonels.

Nakopia: Giwi, there's no chance they can...

Targamadze: Yes. I tell you, the main thing they failed to stop him. His is the right person.

Nakopia: The main thing they failed to stop him. They didn't want to fuel fire.

Targamadze: That man has done it all. What else? He just went away. He behaved the way to force them arrest him. There was beating-up.

Nakopia: The more beating-up there will be the better.